Ilán Rabchinskey (b.1980, Mexico) lives and Works in Mexico City. Among other themes, his work explores the tension between the forces of nature and the human species, the properties of matter, and the dynamics between objects and images.

He has exhibited in Mexico, France, England, the United States, Spain, Chile and Brazil, and has been invited to artist residencies in Japan (Casa Nano), Finland (ONOMA AiR) and Mexico (Casa Wabi).

Rabchinskey is the author of four books and has received several awards and grants. Recently, the Audience Prize at the XIX Centro de la Imagen Photography Biennial.

In parallel to his practice, Ilán lectures at Centro University, is a member of Mexico’s SNCA National Endowment for the Arts, and his work is represented by Patricia Conde Galería.


  • 2022  Recipient of the Audience Award, XIX Photography Biennial, Centro de la Imagen, Mexico.
  • 2020  Inducted as member of the SNCA FONCA National Endowment for the arts.
  •  Nominated for World Press Photo 6x6 Global Talent Program. 
  •  Member of the Jury, FINI Festival Internacional de la Imagen, Hidalgo, Mexico.
  • 2017  The Society of Publication Designers (SPD) Merit Award, United States.
  • 2016  Honorable Mention, Festival Portfolio, Mexico.
  • Honorable Mention, NexoFoto prize, Spain.
  • 2015  Recipient, Young Creators Grant, FONCA, Mexico.
  • Finalist, 1st National Nature Photography Award, Mexico.
  • 2014  Shortlisted, XVI Biennial of the Centro de la Imagen, Mexico.
  • Honorable Mention, Festival Portfolio, Mexico City.
  • 2010  Selected for the National Book Program, Department of Public Education, Mexico.
  • 2006  Recipient, Art Projects and Cultural Co-investment Fund, FONCA National Endowment for the Arts.
  • 2004  1st prize winner, International Photography Prize, University of Salamanca, Spain.


  • 2019   Casa Nano, Tokyo, Japan.
  •             Dedazo Artist Residency, Chiapas, México.
  • 2018   ONOMA Fiskars AiR, Fiskars, Finland.
  • 2016   Casa Wabi, Oaxaca, Mexico.


  •  MAM Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
  • Casa Wabi Foundation Collection, Mexico.
  •  Belmond Collection, London, UK.


  • 2018  Foundation Stone, Centro de Artes Vivas, Mexico City.
  • 2017  Firmament, 1 Mes 1 Artista, Mexico City.
  • 2016  Foundation Stone, Patricia Conde Galería, Mexico City.
  • 2015  Residents / Terrestrial Environent, El Estudio Galería, Morelia, Michoacan.
  • 2014  Whirlwind of Earth, Ediciones Acapulco, Mexico City.
  • 2012  Terrestrial Environment, Museo Archivo de la Fotografía. Mexico City.
  • 2003  Greatest Hits!, Galería Reverso, Mexico City.


  • 2022  Espacios Intermedios, Paola Dávila & Ilán Rabchinskey, Patricia Conde Galería,  Mexico City.


  •  2023  Photo London, Patricia Conde Galería, London, UK.
  • A Vessel for the Sun, Patricia Conde Galería, Mexico City.
  • Imaginar la Imagen, Escuela Superior de Cine, curated by Oswaldo Ruiz, Mexico City.
  • 2022  Bitacoras, Casa Wabi Foundation Collection, MACQ Contemporary Art Museum, Queretaro, Mexico, curated by Alberto Ríos de la Rosa.
  • Jinan International Photography Biennial, Shandong University Art Museum, China.
  • Multiple Space, Galería Hilario Galguera, Mexico City.  
  • The Veil and the Ghost, MUPAG Museum of Journalism and Graphic Arts, Guadalajara, Mexico.
  • Fotografía Maroma, 182 NE 39th Street, Miami, Florida, USA. Curated by Fariba Farshad and Patricia Conde.
  • Zona MACO Main Section, Galería Hilario Galguera + Patricia Conde Galería.
  • 2021  XIX Photography Biennial, curated by Lorena Peña Brito, Centro de la Imagen.
  • 2020  Pausa, Patricia Conde Galería, Mexico City. 
  •  Friends are Flowers that Never Fade, Dedazo Chiapas, curated by Alejandro Garcia Contreras.
  •  Kairos #3 Waiting for the Rain, Carrillo Puerto Project Space, Mexico, curated by Julie Escoffier.
  •  Espacios Encontrados, IMACP Municipal Institute of Arts and Culture, Puebla, Mexico.
  • 2019  Confluencias, Patricia Conde Galería, Mexico City, curated by Adriana Martinez and Reyna Aguiar.
  • Salon ACME, Main section, Mexico City.
  • 2018  National Endowment for the Arts FONCA, Young Creators Grant, Foto Museo Cuatro Caminos, Mexico
  • 2017  Conceptual Optics, Leon International Photography festival FFIEL, Leon.
  • Luz Portátil, Centro Cultural Olimpo, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico.
  • 2016  National Endowment for the Arts FONCA Young Creators Grant, Capilla del Arte, Puebla, Mexico
  • Ekho Gallery, Santiago, Chile.
  • 10 years of the Portable Light Photobook Collection, Museo Archivo de la Fotografía, Mexico City.
  • 3W Gallery, Reims, France.
  • ArtCube Gallerie, Paris, France.
  • 2015  Remolino de Tierra, Nave Dos Quince, Mexico City.
  • Casa Nomada, San Miguel Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico.
  • Gallery Weekend Mexico, Patricia Conde Galería, Mexico City.
  • 2014  Paris Photo, Patricia Conde Galeria Booth, Paramount Picture Studios, Los Angeles, California, US.
  • Sin Motivo Alguno (Without a Known Motive), Hamburgo Kunstgalerie 43, Mexico City.
  • Biophilia 3.7, Taller 13, Mexico City.
  • Zona MACO, Patricia Conde Galeria Booth, Mexico City.
  • 2013  HFAF (Houston Fine Art Fair), Texas, US.
  • The Story of the Creative, Angel Orensanz Foundation for Contemporary Art, NewYork, US.
  • Biophilia, Mycellium Ingenium, Mexico City.
  • 2012  Obra Reciente (Recent Works) Galería Patricia Conde, Mexico City.
  • El Lago Asfaltado (The Asphalted Lake), Museo Archivo de la Fotografía, Mexico City.
  • 2009  Revive la Ciudad (Revive the City), Rejas de Chapultepec Open Gallery, Mexico City.
  • 2005  Them! Virreyes Hotel, Mexico City. Curated by Agustina Ferreyra.
  • 2004  Cuadricula (Grid), Ist International Photography Prize, University of Salamanca, Spain.

BOOKS (author)

  • 2019  Piedra Fundacional, Pewen Cuandernos de Fotografía, Editorial Muga, Spain.
  • 2016  El Medio Terrestre (Terrestrial Environment with text by Mario Bellatín), Artes de Mexico, Mexico.
  • 2014  Remolino de Tierra (Whirlwind of Earth), Ediciones Acapulco, Mexico.
  • 2009  Yo'tanK'op Corazón de la Palabra (Heart of the Word), Trilce, INAH, FONCA and INALI, Mexico.


  • 2024 - Professor, Staged Photography Program, ESCINE Film School, Mexico City.
  • 2021 - 2023  Professor of Photography and Visual Communication, Bachelor's Degree Program, Centro University, Mexico City.
  • 2016 - 2018  Adjunct Professor, Integral Photography Program, Centro ADM, Mexico City.
  • 2106  Facilitator of the “Looking and Deciding, Photography as a Construction” workshop for local teenagers as part of a community project while at residence at Casa Wabi, Oaxaca.
  • 2010 - 2012  Adjunct Professor, Advanced Photography Course, Escuela Estudio Urquiza, Mexico City.


  • 2022  Photography and Contemporary Art, Seminary of Selected Photography Topics, Panorámica ADM, Mexico City.
  • Intermediate Spaces, a conversation with curator Lorena Peña Brito and artists Paola Dávila and Ilán Rabchinskey, Patricia Conde Gallery, Mexico City.          
  • The Veil and the Ghost, a reading of the XIX Photography Biennial, Centro de la Imagen.
  • 2021  Natural Forces, FINI Festival Internacional de la Imagen, Hidalgo, Mexico.
  • 2020  Spaces of Tension,  IMACP Pueba Municipal Institue of Arts and Culture, Mexico.
  • 2019  Inspiration, technique, and project development, Patricia Conde Galería, México City.
  • 2018  Exploring Photobooks, by FOLIO and Panorama Fotografico at Centro de la Imagen, Mexico.
  • ONOMA Cooperative of Artists, Designers and Artisans, Fiskars, Finland.
  •  Transient Matter, with Alan Heiblum, Centro de Artes Vivas, Mexico City.
  • 2017  MUNAL National Museum of Art, Mexico City.
  • Casa Wabi Santa Maria la Riviera, Mexico City.
  • FIL International Book Fair, Book launch and round table, Palacio de Minería, Mexico City.
  • Patricia Conde Galería, Mexico City.
  • Library of Mexico, Mexico City.
  • 2016  Los Solistas Backstage Lecture series, Bandini Art Space, Mexico City.
  • FONCA National Endowment for the Arts, Young Creators Grant artist meeting, Taxco, Mexico.
  • FONCA National Endowment for the Arts, Young Creators Grant artist meeting, Puebla, Mexico.
  • 2015  PaperWorks Artist Book Fair, Museo Tamayo, Mexico City.
  • El Estudio Galería, Morelia, Michaocan, Mexico.
  • 2014  Ediciones Acapulco, Book launch and roundtable.
  • 2012  Guest Lecturer, 20th anniversary of the Escuela Activa de Fotografía, Cuernavaca.
  • 2009  National Anthropology Museum, Book launch and lecture.


  • 2022  The Spatial-Temporal Connection During Confinement, Paola Dávila and Ilán Rabchinskey, Aristegui Noticias,Mexico.      
  • 2021  Vera Castillo, Terrestrial Environment, Fluido #3, PICS Plataforma de Imágenes Contemporáneas, Mexico.
  • 2020  Aint - Bad, An Independent Publisher of New Photographic Art, online feature, USA.
  • Shimmering Blue light on a Still Red Square, exhibition catalog, IMACP  Pueba Municipal Institue of Arts and Culture.
  • LUR, Visual Studies and Research Network, Human time - Cosmic Time, interview, on line, Spain.
  • 2019, online feature on the Terrestrial Environment series, Mexico.
  • 2017  Panorama Fotográfico, online feature on the Residents series, Mexico.
  • PICS, Centro de la Imagen, online, artist profile, Mexico.
  • 2016  Tom Smith, Amuse, I.D, Vice, online, Mexico´s Beautiful Artist Comunne, England.
  • David Polo, Cuartoscuro Magazine, El Principio de las cosas (The Beginning of Things), interview, Mexico.
  • Lourdes Zambrano, Reforma Newspaper, Explora otros mundos (Exploring other Worlds), interview.
  • Ramón Rivas, EMNM Magazine, Ilán Rabchinskey, interview, Spain.
  • Huemanzín Rodriguez, Canal 22, online, El Orden eltiempo y el comienzo (Order, Time and the Beginning).
  • Bartolomé Delmar, Chilango Magazine, Buscando el origén (Searching for the Origin).
  • 2015  LAT Photo Magazine, online, feature.
  • Guillermo Sanchez Cervantes, Gatopardo Magazine, Una bitacora de viajes (A Travel Journal), Mexico.
  • Bartolomé Delmar, Chilango Magazine, Artsection, book review, Mexico.
  • 2012  Éricka P. Bucio, Reforma Newspaper, Idealizan mundo salvaje (Idealizing the Wilderness), Mexico.
  • Joyce García, Cuartoscuro Magazine, El espacio imaginario (Imaginary Space), interview, Mexico.
  • Bartolomé Delmar, Chilango Magazine, Memoria disecada, (Dissecated Memory), exhibition review.
  • Emiliano Balerini, Milenio Newspaper, El medio terrestre, vision crítica del medio ambiente (Terrestrial
  • Environment, a Critical Vision of Habitat), exhibition review, Mexico.
  • El Universal Newspaper Sunday supplement, El método Rabchinskey (The Rabchinskey Method), Mexico.
  • Yanireth Israde, Reforma Newspaper, Captan paso del tiempo (Capturing the passage of time), Mexico.
  • 2009  Jorge Ricardo, Reforma Newspaper, Ilustra libro la actualidad de los tseltales (Book Ilustrates the Modern
  • Tseltal), Mexico.


  • 2005  BA Degree, Media Studies, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City.
  • 2004  Photography studies with Allen Frame, Centro de la Imagen, Mexico City.
  • 2003  Media and Photography, exchange student, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain.



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